Tuesday, December 05, 2006
3 months ago, to the day...
Well, I am proud to say that 3 months later, I am still smoke free...and pregnant! Good thing I quit when I did eh?
Dal - pregnant! It still seems so surreal to me....it's so...incredible.
We went for our first ultrasound on November 14th and it was amazing, to see this little baby growing inside of me. It was only 5.6 centimeters long but it looked much bigger, you could see the nose, mouth, legs, and of course, the little pot belly! I must say it was quite a special moment for both Rob and I. He giggled when the baby moved, I cried. He giggled when he saw the tiny little heartbeat, I cried. He giggled when the technician pointed out the baby's legs, I cried. Special moment indeed.
The ultrasound not only confirmed that the baby was healthy and would celebrate its birthday on May 29, 2007, but it also convinced Rob that the baby looks like him...whatever. Must be the bald head! I do have a feeling that I might be having a little boy actually, so maybe Rob is right, maybe the baby will be a spitting image of him! I guess we will have to wait and see!
I promise to keep you updated on any new developments, but for now, I gotta go eat somethin'!
Mommy-to-be - out
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Oh no not I, I will survive!
I won't say it was easy or anything, cuz it wasn't. At one time I actually cried because I so desperately wanted one. And then my dad had to block the door and hold me back! Pathetic, I know! But what's important here, is that I didn't have one!
I never thought I would last this long, NEVER!!! I really enjoyed (can I use the past tense even though I only quit 9 days ago?) smoking so to take that away makes it pretty hard. Its like asking my mom to give up chocolate, or Rob to quit hockey! Very hard...
They say the first week is the hardest and I'm almost past that. Thank God. It should just get easier from here then!
Although the benefits of quitting obviously outweight its drawbacks there still, however, remains one big one - weight gain. They say that it is normal for people to gain weight when they quit. One reason being that your metabolism slows down. The other one being that you tend to eat more because you are bored or whatever other reason. So mix those 2 together and you're in the fast lane towards weight gain. So I'm trying to actually go to the gym more often and if I do eat more (which I SOOO do), I try to eat carrots, grapes, and crap like that.
What would be your snack of choice?
Double D - out
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
3 days and counting...
Everyone was saying, "Oh you weren't a heavy smoker so it will be easy" or" If you really want to quit, you will" or my personal fav "I quit cold turkey, NO problem!" . Sweet I said, this will be easier than I thought. Its true that I never was a heavy smoker, I'd say an average of 3 smokes a day (not counting of course, the whole packs I would smoke when there was alcohol involved) tops! So how hard can it be right? Oh, how naive of me to actually BELIEVE THEM!!
My fucking head is pounding, I'm depressed, my person is ragy/neurotic/psycho and I'M hungry ALL the time. I honestly did not think it would be this hard, but it IS! Now I remember why I failed to quit twice years ago.
They say that there are 3 critical 'instances' that are the hardest to go through: 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months. Well, I'm at the 3 day mark and I want to die! Maybe its all in my head, maybe I am just using my quitting smoking as an excuse for my everyday bitchiness...who knows, and who cares really? I don't! I just want this to end!
I try and convince myself that this is a good thing by saying: Dal, with all the money you will save you will be able to buy more clothes! (*notice that I make no reference to my health). But even THAT doesn't make it any easier. I can see how people get addicted to drugs, alcohol, shoes, and whatever else. I mean, we know that we will die of it, but we still give in to our addiction. Pathetic really, that we let some shit kill us because we can't stop...
So to help me live through this hard time in my life I will list good reasons why I should quit:
- I will save money (that I will just end up blowing on useless shit)
- I won't need to look for a lighter (that is NEVER where you had left it last)
- I won't develop the yellow fingers syndrome (that is just gross, thank GOD I never got it)
- I won't have complete strangers asking you if you have an extra smoke (NO, why the fuck would I have an extra cigarette loser?)
- My breath won't smell like death ( self explanatory)
- I won't pay 10$ for 25 things that will slowly kill me(scary when you think about it - you are buying death...)
- I won't have to look at the gross pictures that are on packs ( my fav is the blood clot one, nice!)
- I won't be freezing my ass off in the winter
- I won't look like a dried-up prune when inhaling death (did you ever look at yourself in the mirror when smoking? If you haven't already, you will now!)
- I will have a lesser chance of dying of lung cancer.
- I won't fell guilty everytime I light up coming out of the Goodlife (what are you looking at? At least I GO to the gym!)
- I won't have to listen to my dad say "Ah, j'ai laché moi PAS de problème, c'est facile!" (spare me)
- My lungs won't collapse when I take the stairs (well, I DO work on the 4th floor people!)
Well, I think that is plenty for now. Can you think of more?
So my pathetic self will be put to the test this weekend when I go up to the cottage. There will be food (not the healthy kind), people who smoke, AND...alcohol. Good times, as my friend Kerry would say. Can hardly wait. Wish me luck and I will surely post a sequel on Monday.
Double D - out
Monday, July 24, 2006
Water, water, and MORE water!
This was our second time risking our lives in deadly waters and here is how our little journey unfolded...
We got up and left the house at 7h45 on a SUNDAY morning and picked up "H" downtown and then headed off to Wilderness Tours, which is about an hour and a half out of Ottawa.
Around 9am Rob and I were starving to we stopped at McDonald's because we are weak. You will be glad to know that we resisted the 1 million grams of fat McGriddle and chose the Egg McMuffin, which only contains 500 000 grams of fat, instead! "H", being in excellent shape and all, did not order anything, making us feel even more like shit. Thanks buddy! Between 9h01 and 9h04 Rob and I
We arrived at Widerness Tours around 9h30 and let me tell you, we were f***ing freezing! I think it was about 15 degrees or something crazy like that. So cold that my nipples were poking through my 18 layers of clothing. Can someone PLEASE explain to me one thing?
Why did I almost DIE in the bus last Monday because it was so HOT, and then almost died again every day of the week because it was so humid that the f***ing air literally attached itself to my lungs? And then the ONE day you want it to be warm its - 100 degrees!!
After thawing out in the cabin, we had to go get our gear which included a helmet (that is worn by thousands of people so I wore a bandana to make sure that NO part of my head touched it), a bodysuit top, a life jacket, and a paddle. Well, let me tell you, the stench that came out of the bodysuit thing was U-N-R-E-A-L! I had to choose between losing my nipples, or enduring the BO/swamp smell for the day, I chose the smell. "I need my nipples" I thought...
So all geared up and smelly, we walked down to the river to embark on our voyage! It was around 11am by that time. We go through the safety measures, do this so you don't die, if you do this you will die, blah blah. At 11h05 we were off. We started paddling away, heading towards our first rapid! BOOYIA!
While we were waiting for our turn to go down the rapid, this guy with a dumb ass video camera was filming people randomly...I thought to myslef: "Oh God, imagine if he were to film me...I would..." I hadn't even finished my thought when all I saw was a f***ing thingy in my face. Yep, there he was, Video Man, in-my-face! So all excited and waaaaay too pumped he asks me "So, how ya' doin?" All I could reply was '"Goooooood" in the most lame and pathetic tone you can imagine. They showed the video afterwards and I looked FAR worse than I actually thought I did. Holy shit, did I ever look like a dumb-ass, Rob was pissing his pants!
After that horrific incident we finally went down the rapid. All was good, people were paddlin' away like idiots (yes - including me) and all of a sudden half the guys in front of me fall into the bottom part of the raft (at this point the raft is vertical - not horizontal) including a 13 year old kid. So Rob, being the kind person he is, decides to leap OFF the raft to avoid crushing the poor kid at the bottom of the raft! So, no more Rob!
Suddenly I see his freggin' yellow helmet bopping up and down in the rapids....but then, when I think he's safe, he gets pulled under by the current again. Holy shit, he's gonna die (didn't he listen to the rules at the beginning?). When he resurfaced again he was closer to the raft so we were able to pull him in...all body parts intact. Thank God!! I guess the entertainment was worth the quasi-heart attack.
Once people stopped laughing at Rob we headed towards the second rapid, which happened to be called Butcher Knife....good times! This one was fun too but not as crazy. Rob stayed in the raft along with everyone else. Afterwards we all jumped into the water and let ourselves and my pee be dragged down the river by the current.
Then at 1pm it was lunch. We were starving yet again so we ate plenty! With our tummies full we headed back out on the river. We went through a couple more rapids and then went cliff jumping. After people competed to see who could do the biggest canonball, we left for some rapid surfing. Now THAT was fun!!
Rapid surfing is when your raft kinda gets sucked into the rapid, stays there for a couple of seconds, and gets spit back out(kinda hard to explain...). Anyways, there is a part in the video where you see Rob and I in the front getting facewashed by the rapids. At one point, all you can see are 2 yellow dots through the water. This was by far the best part of the trip!
Our trip ended around 5pm so we went back to the cabin, changed into dry clothes that did not smell like BO/swamp and went for a beer and something to eat. By the time we got home it was 10pm. We were exhausted!
So in spite of the smelly outfit and not so warm weather, we had a blast. We will be sure to go back soon! Any takers?
Double D - out
Monday, July 10, 2006
Death to OC!
I had a really rough weekend so I had to drag my fat ass out of bed (even harder to do when my significant other is sleeping soundly next to me). Anyways, after showering and poking my eyeballs out while trying to put in my contacts, I go downstairs to make myself a nice gallon of coffee. Well, well, looka here, there's no fucking milk!!!!! Son of a bitch! Why me? Screw it, I'll drink it without the cow juice and add a cup of sugar to compensate.
While I sip my coffee I look at the time...its 7:21 and my bus passes at 7:23. No need to panic - throw her in high gear and she'll make it, no problem. I grab my milkless coffee, bolt out the door, and I start running (if you can call that running) down my street. As I am running towards the bus stop I can hear the bus coming. So I throw her in super high gear and sprint towards the bus stop, jumping over the street curbs like an Olympic hurdle jumper. After avoiding getting run over by a car, I make it to about 5 feet from the bus doors. Haleluia! I made it, so I keep running towards the doors...OMG NO, NO, the bus is actually f***ing leaving!!!
And so I stood there, looking through the back window, watching the people at my stop taking a seat in the bus like a shit head. It was just like in the movies when a mother's son is going away to school and she watches him looking back at her through the back window of the car...well ok, maybe it wasn't that dramatic, but you get the picture.
I was so PISSSSSSSSSSED!!! I felt the urge to run next to the bus and give the driver the finger. Instead, I took my coffee mug and threw it at the bus. Okay, maybe not, but I wanted to! And what makes me even more angry is that a lady I take the bus with TOLD the driver I was coming, TWICE!! What does he say? She can walk to the corner and take another bus! You asshole!!! So the next morning I have him THE nastiest look.
This happened to me before, when I lived in Vanier (that on is own deserves a post) but that time my foot was literally in mid-air as I was taking a step INTO the bus when the driver closed the doors and left! So I took my cell phone, called OC Crapo, and gave a client service lady HELL! You don't wanna mess with me in the morning. They don't call me 'Grizzly' for nothing motha' suckas'!
And its not just the fact that most drivers are bad ones, but the buses are old (some older than me, yes like 30 years old!), they have NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO air conditioning, and if they do, they don't turn it on (I once told the driver to turn it on and he said it was "broken") so you boil to death in the summer. And the list goes on and on...
So my dilemma is this: should I suck it up or should I start taking my car and possible killing someone? what would you do?
Double D - out
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Home sweet home!
Well, not really...
I know I'm a little late but i've been so busy since we got back from our trip. We got back exactly 2 weeks ago actually, wow, time flies!
We had a GREAT honeymoon, we saw so many beautiful things, people, dog shit, buildings - you name it! I must say that my favorite place was Capri - a small italian island west of Naples. We stayed at an amazing B&B and had a sea view(not just a fake one like most hotels offer) but a REAL one, with sunset and all! Umberto, the owner, was so cute, typical older Italian man, very charming! I miss him...he promised to let me know when he was coming to Ottawa :-)
My second favorite was Zurich (and Florence and Venice and Bordeaux) in Switzerland. We took the train from Venice to Zurich and let me tell you, the scenery was spectacular. We were surrounded by snowcapped mountains hovering over us, waterfalls pouring down and the sun shinning brightly. It truly was breathtaking. While I was trying to take it all in, I turn around to see if Rob's mouth was also wide open - and what to I discover? Hhim SLEEPING! Are you kidding me? "His loss" I mumbled... There is so much more to talk about so I'll keep some for later, I promise! In the meantime here are a FEW, and I emphasize few (I have 967 in total!) pics:

Of course, the famous Eiffle Tower
This is a beautful castle in Bordeaux France
Okay, for some reason I can dowload more than 2 pictures...so this all you will get for now, sorry guys...
I'm really glad we made this wonderful trip! It truly was an unbeleivable honeymoon, the best! So where to now? ;-)
Double D - out
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Viva Italia!
Your Italian Name Is... |
![]() |
Lucia Mancini - out
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Move over Mustang Sally!
I was on the computer finalizing my will and testament in case I die going to Europe, when Beaver called. (Beaver, for those who don't know, is my brother's nickname) He wanted to stop by for a quick smoke, "Sure" I said. ONE minute later, his girlfriend Caroline calls "We are kinda of in a rush so can you wait outside?". I held my breath and said "Okaaaaay" and hung up a little annoyed because I HATE being rushed but whatever... so as I go to open my front door I see this HOT Mustang (I've always wanted a Mustang but kinda knew that it was a stupid expense and that I would die as I have some speeding and road rage issues). coming up my driveway. And then I look in the driver's seat, and there he is, grinning like a mad man, my Dad! What the *bleep*?!
I didn't know WHAT to say! At first I thought he had rented it or something, or borrowed it from one of his mafia friends, but no, he bought it last Thursday. To top it all off, I saw him all weekend and he never said a word, he had me convinced that he was going to buy a SmartCar to replace his shitty 1987 Jeep Cherokee. He had to SHOW me his ownership papers for me to believe him. Why did I not believe him? Let me tell you why: My Mom!
Everytime my dad would dare say the M word it made her think back to the 70's when hanging motors, oil puddles, and toxic fumes were a far too common thing in their garage. And the fact that a week or so after my dad had his 1969 Mustang he drove into a phone pole. Still insists that he didn't know the car was that powerful....riiiiight. So I'm sure Mom celebrated when my dad finally sold his Mustang when she was prego with Beaver - little did she know...
So I asked her last night "As if you let him buy one?!" All she said was "Well, we needed a car so..." I was dumbfounded, she must be planning an expensive trip or something. I must admit its nice to see my dad this giddy - like a little kid in a candy store. We went for a spin and you could tell he was excited, kinda brought him back to the good ol' days of bellbottoms and perms. The second best part is that my dad told me that when I get back from my trip, that he will show me how to drive it!! GIDDIUP!
Double D - out
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I'm out from hiding!
I took a glimpse at my weekly planner this morning and saw that much important number. Today's number is 10. Yes, 10 days until we leave for a trip of a lifetime to Europe!
I mean, we haven't even started packing or anything! I am freaking out a little...I mean, Rob and I are very organized people, so there is NO excuse for why our bags aren't already packed and ready to go. Not only that, I have NO idea what to bring along for a month's worth of clothes. When we went to Cuba for a WEEK, I had a suitcase dedicated to shoes only (shut up!). For this 1-month trip we have 2 backpacks, yes 2, not 4, but 2! So what in the hell am I supposed to do? How do I prioritize my choice in clothing? Do I bring all my underwear, or just enough for a week and wash them on a weekly basis? Do I bring one fancy dress, or two? What about shoes? I don't even know where to begin with shoes...
See how demented I am? I am leaving on a dream vacation, and all I can think about is what to wear, or not wear. But who can blame me? People dress like Hollywood stars over there. No Old Navy and Payless specials here, no sir! It's all about 500$ designer shoes (they too have a dedicated suitcase, I am sure of it!) and 2000$ outfits. And then, there will be me - the typical tourist (gasp!) all decked out in a t-shirt, capris, camera, and running shoes (I have back problems okay!). I can just hear them now... "Wow, how pi-ti-full, ze mus be a Quebecer!". Nooooooooooo! Okay, that was just a dream, just a silly little dream.
Okay, no more playing around, this is serious. I officially dedicate Friday as Packing Day. First, I will stuff my face with half a large pizza for energy, and then take on the impossible. I need to think of a strategy. Clinton? Stacey? Where are you?
Double D - out
Friday, April 14, 2006
We survived!!!
It all started this morning at 7:30am (a little later than we had planned, but whatever...) when I dragged my ass out of bed and went into the shower. We finished packing our stuff and were "on the road again" as Wayne Rodstad would sing, at 8:30am. As some of you might already know, Rob and I are VERY
With our tummies full, we were off! Only 9 hours to go...
Hour One:
- we drove into Arnprior
- we listened to Ben Harper
- we almost thru Devil Dog out the window
- I was just starting to wake-up
- Rob started to get a little annoyed by other drivers, but obeying the speed limit
Hour Two:
- we drove into Deep River
- we listened to Dave Matthews
- we did not throw Devil Dog out of the window
- I finished 3 crossword puzzles
- Rob's annoyance towards other drivers started to grow a little stronger thus, driving a little over the speed limit
Hour Three:
- we drove into NorthBay
- we listened to Michelle Branch
- Devil Dog was in the backseat doing squats (getting up - laying down, getting up - laying down...)
- I finished 2 more crosswords
- Rob wanted to kill everyone, gave the finger twice, and was driving WELL over the speed limit
Hour Four:
- we drove into Cobalt (population: 2)
- we listened to Kathleen Edwards
- Devil Dog was still in the backseat, still doing squats ( her legs are so strong!)
- My pen ran out of ink, no more crosswords. I was a little upset.
- Rob was told to calm the F down
Hour Five:
- We drove into New Liskeard
- We listened to Third Eye Blind
- Devil Dog doing her 1000th squat
- At this point I am bored
- Rob is now using cruise control
Hour Six:
- We drove into Matheson
- Who cares at this point!
- Devil Dog still sqattin' - amazing!
- I am counting houses that have a front door - but no front porch to access the door
- Rob is being told to screw cruise control and GO
Hour Seven:
- We drove into Iroquois Falls
- We tried listening to the radio but can't get a signal. We are DEEP in the bush.
- Devil Dog is sleeping peacefully
- I am counting the houses that look more like a junk yard, literally, with cars jacked up on blocks and the whole nine yards.
- Rob is being prudent as we start seeing cop cars (yes, they have some too!)
Hour Eight:
- We drove into Cochrane
- Still trying to find a signal...
- Devil Dog amazingly resumes her squats. I'm sure she could be in the Guinness Book of Records!
- I am counting the minutes until we get to Kap
- Rob is too, so his speed goes up a little.
Hour Nine:
- We drove into Moonbeam (yes, Moonbeam) 15 minutes from Kap
- We find a signal, Pavarotti it is!
- Devil Dog still going strong
- I am amazed that some houses are actually being lived in, truly amazed...
- Rob is speeding a little more
9 hours and 28 minutes later, we arrive in Kap! FINALLY!!!!
We were greated by Rob's parents' and we then headed into the dining room for a huge turkey feast!!!
Lesson learned: the bush is a TOTALLY different world
Well I'm off to bed, turkey and a 9-hour drive will do this to you.
Double D - out
Monday, April 10, 2006
Téa turns 3!!!
Rob and I visited her last Sunday and I took A LOT of pictures (I will be remembered as 'the' aunt that every kid thinks is annoying). Anyway, I thought I'd share a few.

Isn't she cute!!!! I almost left with her in my arms that day, promising her parents that I would return her soon (or whenever she would start to cry uncontrolably) but they understandably refused...
Hopefully Rob's brother and his wife will let uncle Rob and crazy-picture-taking aunt Dal babysit Téa soon though because we would love to have her all to ourselves ;-) She would get so much love and attention (even more than Devil Dog does) plus it would be practice for Rob and I, as we will eventually be parents too. Not that I consider Téa as a practice baby but you know what I mean! So cross your fingers that we will get to babysit before we leave for our trip!
Crazy auntie Double D - out
Friday, April 07, 2006
Easy reading for a Friday afternoon...
Cheese Pizza |
![]() Traditional and comforting. You focus on living a quality life. You're not easily impressed with novelty. Yet, you easily impress others. |
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Colonel Mustard - with the candlestick - in the Conservatory
This is how last night's Clue night unraveled...
Catherine (Mrs.Scarlett) picks me (Mr. Green) up around dinner time. When we get to Martine's (Mrs. White) we already have Caesars waiting for us - on a side note, we had a little too many last night...
Anyways, we usually order out either from Gabriel's Pizza or from St-Hubert. And last night's award goes to...St-Hubert! (FYI- Mrs. White and Mrs.Scarlett had the chicken fingers and Mr. Green had the club sandwich). So we devoured our dinner while chatting and laughing away, all anxious to start "THE" game. After eating our dinner and Mrs. Scarlet's delicious dessert, it was time! We whipped out the board game, placed our little 'pitons' in their appropriate spot, put the 3 secret cards in the envelope, and we were off! GAME ON! (wow, I really sound like a loser don't I?)
The game usually starts off quite smoothly. We ask so and so if she has this or that, but as the game progressed so did our competitive edge (well maybe just mine)! Anywho, who cares, the point is that as we drank more Caesars, our attention span and memory diminished quite considerably. No one remembered who asked what to whom. It was a bloody mess!
Mrs. White constantly accused me of cheating - but we all know she is just jealous that I have a raw talent for Clue - and made all the figurines hump each other, and if I remember correctly, the lead pipe was somewhat involved in these despicable acts. Mrs. Scarlet kept writing notes on her little paper EVERY time someone would answer someone else's questions, and she would purposely avoid going into rooms that she already had. Making it waaaaay obvious when she would ignore the room that was 2 spaces away and would instead, roll the dice and land in no man's land - NO where close to a room. Not too slick!! Only a Clue pro such as me noticed this though...
So as these events went on, all I could do was laugh, laugh because they had NO idea. No clue(no pun intended) that I was playing their little game all along, and then WHA BAM! Out of the blue I guessed who killed who, where, and with what weapon. Didn't see THAT coming did you ladies?
So, who dares to challenge me at the next Clue night?
Mr.Green, Clue Champion - out
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
I'm slammin' Body Jammin' !
The class started at 6:30 (but I know from experience that if you want a good spot you have to be -at the door- 30 minutes in advance) so my sister Martine and I were there for 6:00. Literaly 1 minute later, half the women in Orléans were at the door too! Anyways, we elbowed our way in the class and found a spot in the back.
After talking for EVER, the instructor finally turned the music on and started busting some moves. Martine and I were laughing of course because we felt like losers! For those of you who don't already know this, I can't dance worth crap, so the idea of me actually attempting to do this is pretty hilarious! Especially when we were mostly surrounded by teeny boppers (that were in the front of the class - where all the 'cool' people hang out of course) giggling and shaking their perfect little butts all over the place. But we didn't let those gluts discourage us, we started Body Jamming. Well because were in the back (not one 'cool' person was to be found) we couldn't actually see the instrutor, making it a little hard to follow. Combine two gals who can't dance, firm little butts, and no instructor, and you've got yourself two frustrated sisters. So 2 minutes in we left. Bye bye Body Jam!
It's too bad that my experience was far from memorable because I was really looking forward to trying it out. I guess I'll stick to my usual classes because evidently, Body Jam is not a class for me!
Double D - out
Friday, March 31, 2006
It's been 2 weeks!

It's time to celebrate - devil dog has been mess-free for 2 weeks! You have to understand that lately, Chase being good for more than 1 day, is nothing short of miraculous.
It all started back in January when I left to Kingston for a 3-day conference. When I got back, Rob told me how sad Chase was while I was away(she SO loves me more). So being the good mother that I am, I cuddled her as much as I could just to show her that I missed her too. BIG mistake! Next thing I know, she made Emily Rose look like Mother Teresa.
When I came home from work that day I opened the front door to a stench I cannot even attempt to describe. She had
So, in devil dog's best interest, I turned around, stepped on my front porch and lit a cigarette. While I was puffing away, many thoughts came through my mind, and thankfully, many passed. Finally, I said to myself, its a one-time thing, it will pass. WRONG! For weeks I arrived home to the sweet smell of shit and piss (screw being politically correct), wood chips, chewed carpet, and drywall. How silly of me to think that this was 'just a phase'.
After weeks of cleaning up messes we finally went to the vet. Diagnosis: Chase had separation anxiety and a "mild" (could of fooled me) urinary infection. That's nice, but how do we fix it? So for 125$ the vet gave me a pamphlet on the disease and a prescription for her infection. What? No valium? So I read the 100$ pamphlet (the pills were 30$ so you do the math) and it was useless. Didn't learn anything new, said we had to retrain her from scratch. Ha Ha! Good one! So we desperately tried something else.
We noticed that she kept wanting to go into the entrance closet (the destruction proves this theory) that we blocked because she chewed our shoes. So we decided to put the shoes on the top shelf and leave the closet door open. To our amazement, it worked!!! I didn't see THAT in the 100$ pamphlet! The closet being closed seemed to be the source of the problem. Who knew?
What's important here is to emphasize, not the fact that my dog is part devil and part freak, but the fact that she has been mess-free for 2 weeks!! Looks like there will be no need to perform an exorcism afterall!
Keep it up Chase :-)
Double D - out
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
My time has come...
Do I really want to do this? Do I have time? Am I capable? Screw it, I'm doing it!
I couldn't help myself, I read a couple of blogs on a regular basis (shout-out to my blogging peeps!!) and I LOVE it! I enjoy reading their little stories and finding out interesting things about them. I even laugh out loud sometimes - somewhat embarrasing because I laugh like a mutated sheep/machine gun.
I'm not sure what I'll be blogging about, but I'm sure I'll find some stuff to share...stories about my daily life on the big red limousine, a.k.a OC Transpo, or about my dog who is part devil. Oh, there are so much more!! You won't be able to get rid of me. I'm heeeeeere! (again)
I know that you are all dying to hear them, but please, be patient. As my sister once said: " La patience apporte de grandes récompenses! "
Check back soon!
Double D - out