Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My First Time

Well, it happened. Yesterday I broke down and cried.

I was so proud of myself for not letting my pregnancy hormones affect my mood in any way, bad or good (which isn't always easy). Sure I cried at movies and Extreme Home Make-Over, but that's the norm for me, I am a VERY sensitive person, no, seriously, I am! But at 26 weeks and 6 days in my pregnancy, I broke down in tears at the dinner table last night. And you know what? It felt GOOD!

I was bitching talking about my work situation with Rob when all of a sudden I started crying. I tried hiding it from him, but my quivering lips and cellulite looking chin gave it away. I won't go into details about what set me off because I am a mother-to-be, and mothers-to-be do not use that kind of language. Let's just say I'm not that happy in my job right now and that I wish I would never have go back to work after maternity leave. So that was my first official break-down.

Number two happened this morning. I was reading a story about a dog that was found by the Ottawa Humane Society in Gloucester somewhere. The poor dog had died from starvation/dehydration because some asshole who deserves to die, had tied the dog to a bannister in an underground parking lot and left him there for who knows how long. Honestly, if EVER I found out who that person was, I would kick the crap out of him/her. You DO NOT want to mess with a crazy hormonal animal lover - got it? And what about the people who SAW the dog tied up, why didn't they do anything about it. This could of been prevented if someone with a speck of decency would of alerted the Humane Society earlier, or given the dog some food and water, something, ANYTHING!!! I can't believe people sometimes, I really can't. There truly are some heartless shameless people out there.

So I guess now that I got the ball rolling, I will surely experience moment number 3 sometime today!

I'll keep you posted ;-)

Mommy-to-be - out


Bex said...

If you ever need to vent at work... I know a great quiet place to go and cry- goodness knows I've needed to use this hiding place a few times. I also have an office on a different floor from yours (in case you've never noticed), which could provide a good venting spot for frustrations as well. :)

Anonymous said...

I know ppl who used to tie their dog to the bannister!! LOL!!! ~ Rox

SC said...

Your only human Double D... cry your little heart out, you're allowed... and you have a good excuse to do it!! I've been crying most nights now for 14 months... its seems NOT NORMAL if I got to bed without tears!!! Just try to think of the 15 months of mat. leave you have ahead of you... and the tears will go away!! Plus you will have the coolest baby in all of Orleans in less than 2 months... so work and all the b.s will soon be a distance memory! Hang in there partner... !!!

Loukia said...

Hi! Okay first of all - I cried every single day almost, during my pregnnacy. I still am super emotional, probably more so, since giving birth. I cry at the drop of a hat - commercials, whatever, especially the news and all the bad stuff going on everywhere. So don't feel bad, it is more than normal. Your emotions are meant to be like this right now! And don't worry if you feel super emotional after you give birth, too, it just comes with the territory. Hugs to you.

P.S. You will have the coolest baby (girl!!!) in Orleans, can I take coolest baby boy? Even though I don't *really* live in Orleans... ;)