Last night, which was cheap night, Rebecca and I went to the SilverCity in Gloucester. After having to park twice (I'm still getting used to the size of my new car) and a little embarrassment because Rebecca witnessed the whole thing, we went in to purchase our tickets. As I walk in I see this sign that says something like "Tuesday Box Office Special for 8.95$". Little did I know that on Tuesdays you get a movie pass, popcorn AND a drink for 8.95$ (plus an extra 50 cents for the extra butter!), what a bargain!!!
As Rebecca and I were walking towards the theatre we noticed that there were NO free magazines. You know, the one that has all the upcoming films, information on stars, etc. ? We were quite disappointed to say the least. THEN while waiting for the movie to start, NO mini quizzes. Like the one where they show pieces of a celebrity's face one by one and you have to guess before all the pieces are together. Instead they showed budget gross pictures of their nachos and cheese and those annoying Discover Ontario commercials. Anyways, finally they started showing us some previews.
There are several good movies coming out so hopefully I will be able to see some of them this summer! I found out they have this bring your baby and stroller program for parents. I'll definitely have to look into that!
And then, our movie began. I won't go into details in case you want to go see the movie, but it was better/weirder than I thought. Sandra Bullock is pretty good in the movie and it was nice to see Julian McMahon play a husband/dad. Wedding bands suit him VERY well ;-) There were a couple of disturbing scenes which I was not anticipating, neither did Rebecca because we both kinda freaked out! lol It wasn't THE best movie I've seen, but it wasn't the worst either. We had a good time and I'm really glad Rebecca came to see it with me!
Next on my list are Blades of Glory and Reign Over Me.
Mommy-to-be - out